Join the Children and Young People's Mental Health Network

If you live in Northwest London and you are between 14 and 25 years old or are a parent or carer of a child or young person, we invite you to become a member of the NIHR ARC NWL Children and young people’s (CYP) mental health network.

The CYP mental health network invites anyone with a vested interest in the mental health of children and young people in Northwest London to join them. This includes anybody who works or lives in NWL, public health practitioners, staff members from the local authority, the third sector, policy makers and researchers.


The CYP mental health network brings researchers, practitioners, health professionals, charities, local authorities, and members of the public who live or work in Northwest London together to help shape and share research and to provide opportunities to collaborate on Children and Young People’s mental health initiatives.


The CYP mental health network began from a £750k bid to uplift the infrastructure capacity and capability for mental health research with the NIHR ARC NWL. The network was established to improve the mental health and wellbeing and to reduce health inequalities among children and young people in Northwest London. The CYP Mental Health Network wants to ensure mental health research addresses the changing needs of children and young people in the area and that research findings are implemented and inform how resource decisions are made.


If you’d like to get involved, register here to join the network and visit our website for more information. For enquiries about the Network please email: